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By learning each of the 13 Commandments of Love you will experience love finding you.

“Can I Make Love Find Me?”


Human beings are trained to become self-sufficient in acquiring the life-sustaining energies in air, food and water. From the bottle, to learning to use a knife and a fork, to eventually getting a job, and their own income so they can buy, cook and eat their own food. We are also taught, unfortunately, to assume that loving energy, which science now has shown to be a much needed life-sustaining energy itself, can only come from other human beings. So….we spend the rest of our lives, ‘malnourished’, waiting for others to give us some love. This new knowledge point to the need for us to learn how to become self-sufficient in giving ourselves the life-sustaining energies in love.

Keep in Mind! Like food and water…Loving Energy is vital for your SUCCESS in every area of life.

Where Do I Start?

People often ask me “How do I love myself?” This information is essential knowledge and extremely important to practice.

My answer is – not by buying yourself neat ‘stuff’, eating and drinking great food, taking fantastic trips, hot baths with music and candles, a super massage, etc. although there is nothing wrong with doing those things.

The Answer Is Simple-

Fortunately most of you have friends and do a pretty good job at loving them. Much better than loving yourselves. Copy that behavior. We’re more patient, accepting, encouraging, appreciative, respectful, etc. with friends than ourselves. Start observing and behave more like your own best friend.

(Men rarely ask this question, and yet it is even more important for them to know, because they’ve been taught to love themselves even less. “Boys don’t cry” is a real killer example.)

Take these small steps…which actually generate a huge shift…and start metamorphosing into the authentic, confident, loving person you always envisioned yourself to be. There is nothing more attractive than that. Then let love find you!

Kudos for taking this step toward love! Now share this with family and friends who’re single, so they can love themselves, too.

  • Is your Relationship Fitness keeping up with your physical fitness?
  • Missing the mark finding the Love of Your Life?
  • Better yet, have love find you instead of chasing after it!

If you are interested in attending a webinar Nov. 10 on this fascinating topic contact me at

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Love and Unconditional Love – if you ask 100 people what love is and what unconditional love implies you will get 100 different responses. We did just that, doing an extensive study to which people are still responding,   and that is what we found. When, on the other hand, we presented our original concepts of love and unconditionally loving behavior to these same 100 people they found it illuminating and useful and were able to understand and accept it immediately.

How we arrived at out answers was by asking questions first.

  • What is love – a concept or a thing?
  • Where does love come from?
  • Do we need love?
  • If yes, why do we need love?
  • Why do we feel pain when love is withdrawn?
  • What part of us needs love?
  • Does love have anything to do with sex, desire, romance?
  • Are there any logical proofs for the existence of love as a real energy?

Whereas love and loving are looked upon universally as something very desirable, unconditional love is viewed by the public as an impossible, burdensome “SHOULD”. How can anyone take another’s abuse, disrespect, lack of appreciation, thoughtlessness, dishonestly and continue to love them…meaning…. to ignore their hurtful behavior and try to be kind, and gentle, and understanding, and appreciative of a person like that? It sounds religious, spiritual as one of those unreasonable demands put upon average human beings who are not aspiring to be saintly, or Godly, just have simple, polite relationships.

So when you hear us talk about Loving Unconditionally you must be thinking this is another one of those sermons asking me to be something I am not, trying to make me feel guilty about not letting people walk all over me. It is not. We are not ask you to be saintly and accept unloving behavior. As a matter of fact the very first point we make is the absolute importance of understanding the fact that you deserve unconditional love from those in your life….and we teach you how to ask for it and have others respond positively to your requests.

Then we explain to you what love is – nothing like you ever read about love – loving energy – it is such a simple concept you’ll wonder why no one has ever thought it. Well new ideas come forth when they do and not before. This is an idea whose time has come. The concept is simple and doable – not unlike learning to play tennis is simple and doable. Both need some coaching – to get the ideas right and to practice those ideas until they become second nature. Once you learn it tennis becomes fun – and knowing how to love unconditionally and having people in your life give you unconditional love will feel like finding a gold mine. Riches you never dreamed of.

Without knowing what love is and how to give and get love unconditionally is like being in the desert without water or food. Starving for your most important nourishment. STUCK.  To make sure you never get stuck read our book and articles on love and relationships.

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